Live Unrestricted - The Intuitive Eating & Food Freedom Podcast

How Diet Culture Wrecked Our Hormones & How To Fix It w/ Kaely McDevitt, RD

Sabrina Magnan

Did you know that statistics show that 80 percent of women suffer from hormonal imbalance?!

And even scarier, most women don’t even realize it. This is such an important topic to shed some light on because your hormones impact the way you feel every single day - from your energy levels, your mood, your metabolism, your sex drive, your menstrual cycle, your sleep, and so much more.

So today, you’re getting a masterclass on hormone health and how to balance your hormones so that you can start feeling like the best version of yourself. 

Joining us is Kaely McDeviit, Registered Dietitian specializing in nutrition for women's health. She and her team help their clients reclaim their energy, optimize fertility and overcome hormone symptoms through personalized nutrition.

In this episode, you'll learn how to support your body through nourishing foods, lifestyle changes, and simple practices that can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

We cover the key signs of hormonal imbalance, what might be causing it, and practical steps you can take to bring your hormones back into balance—without extreme diets or overwhelming restrictions.

If you’re ready to regain your energy, stabilize your mood, and bring your body back into harmony, this episode is for you!

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