Live Unrestricted - The Intuitive Eating & Food Freedom Podcast

99. The Real Reason You Feel "Stuck" In Your Relationship With Food & Your Body w/ Megan Blacksmith

Sabrina Magnan

You know what's one of the most frustrating positions to be in?

When you feel STUCK. When you know "what you should do" to create a change in your relationship with food and your body (logically), but your own mind keeps getting in the way.

You might also experience this as self-sabotage.

If that's you, you're about to get a masterclass to help you understand WHY this keeps happening, and what to do so that you can finally break through those frustrating barriers and finally create the life you dream of. 

Megan Blacksmith is a holistic health coach, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, speaker, NLP Trainer and mindset ninja.  She trains coaches, practitioners and leaders with the tools for faster (inner) transformation without fighting themselves along the way through Functional NLP, a combination of the principles of NLP, functional medicine and compassionate coaching

If you're ready to dig DEEP and uncover the root cause of your inability to get out of your own way, you're going to want to give this episode a listen!

Connect with Megan


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